
Sunday, October 7, 2012

Some snapshots

Here are a few pictures from before all the busyness and big move happened.  They were peaceful  moments, and looking at these pictures makes me smile J

Learning to play a "big kids" game for the first time
This little one will order things and line them up all day!
Such focus and deliberation
"Children are made readers on the laps of their parents." - Emilie Buchwald
I would love to instill this simple notion into the hearts of
Mongolian families, because it is not only the reader
that is developed on the lap of their parent,
spending time together, delighting in each other. 
It's the whole child.
Trying something new
Playing house, learning for life
I absolutely love the elephants marching three by three...
and the goat and the zebra snuggling up!
Books are just SO much better when looked at through a magnifying glass!
We read "The very hungry caterpillar", we made a very hungry caterpillar.
Now the caterpillar is entering into a young child's imagination,
and a new tale is being spun- one where he stows away in a car
and eats through the driver's shopping! (See him riding in the back there?)
There's that magnifying glass again J

I love the thought and detail that went into this- and her name spelled out in playdough!

The house that Sara built!



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