
Friday, March 30, 2012

Little owls in the ger kindergarten

Last week Friday I had the privilege of teaching an art lesson at a ger kindergarten in the ger district.  A ger, by the way, is the traditional "mobile home" of the Mongolian people (click here for more information on gers and other interesting Mongolian customs and traditions).  The ger district(s) is all around the edges of the town, as more and more people move in from the countryside to try and find work and the chance of a new life.  Generally speaking these people are quite poor, and this ger KG is one reaching out to those who can not send their children to a government KG- similar to the one I mentioned in my very first post (which you can read here).

Prepared for 40 children (2 classes), we created a lovely little owl inspired by Mrs Brown's art class. We first talked about birds and the different kinds of birds that we knew of. Then we read the gorgeously illustrated "Wow said the Owl" by Tim Hopgood as a springboard for our art lesson. The children did a marvelous job, and were well pleased with their efforts I believe! (even though they do look quite serious in the photos...)  They chose their own colours for their owls and then got straight to creating.  Here are some pictures to show the process...

 Creating the branch from newspaper and outlining the owl...

Tearing up the paper to create feathers

 Gluing the "feathers"...

 Almost there!

 Making eyes...
Comparing notes...

Drum roll please...
 Ta da!!

After our art lesson it was time for lunch,
 and then a nap.

Sleep sweet little owl!

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