
Sunday, June 3, 2012

Story stones!

Remember those story stones that I was going to get to some day?  Well, that some day has arrived, so come see the children in explore mode:

My lovely, dear, creative friend Mirjam drew me these gorgeous fairies which I cut out, stuck on, and varnished (with good old nail polish) for this fabulous set of fairy stones! (the photos don't really do them justice, but do give you a little bit of an idea...)  I had some sequins that fit the theme very nicely (butterflies, leaves and flowers), so added them to jazz up the play a little.  These are not exactly story stones in the truest sense, but a play set that I hope will inspire and encourage imagination, and all of those other fabulous things that naturally flow out of play.  I must say, the children were not really quite sure what to do with them at first.  A lot of Mongolian children (not all) find it hard to get started in imaginative play, they don't always get a lot of opportunity for it!  But, with a little bit of encouragement (and a few extra props) they got underway...

Recognise those little toadstool treasures?  This was what I envisioned for them!

Certainly not a bad first effort! Here's to more story stones, and more opportunities to play, explore, and imagine! J

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